Cornetti, Sherri » Posts


Website Log In's

Username: 99#
Password: student
Pearson Easy Bridge (Reading & Math):  
Username: 99#
Password: student
Think Central (Science):
Username: 99#
Password: student
Reflex Math: 
Username: 99#
Password: student
Username: 99#
Password: their color  (orange, brown, peach... ) 

Pearson Realize Login Practice

Please see if this will load on your computer at home. Also, send me a quick email "yes" or "no" so I can keep track of who can access it. Thanks!

How to log on to Clever to use online resources

Watch this video to remind you how to log into Clever so you can access Reflex Math, XtraMath, SpellingCity, etc. You will be able to use the same apps that we can see in the computer lab.

Tuesday, Mar. 24- Day 5 Glued Sounds

There is a page in  Day 5 materials that ask that students draw a box around the glued sounds. Here is a link on YouTube that has good review of what "glued sounds" are that we have practiced in Fundations.  Please take a minute to watch the video to practice.

Friday, Mar. 20- Day 3 Bonus Letters

Bonus letters are consonants f, l, s, z   that are doubled at the end of a word with only one vowel in the word. I have found a video on YouTube that has a creative way of showing when to double the consonant, or adding a bonus letter. In class, we put a * above the bonus letter.  
For example:   s t u f f       
The star goes over the second consonant, or the bonus letter. 
This can get tricky for kids, so if you would like to share this video with them, I think it would help out. 

Scholastic Goodies

Scholastic is a book company who has reached out to us educators during this time to help kids still learn at home. Below are items that you may look through and find interesting! Some of the links are for younger kids, and other are for older kids and even adults! Some may require to log in, so look below to find the login information! 
Have fun!    <3  Mrs. C

From Scholastic

Pennsylvania Educators:


As your local Scholastic Account Executive, I am sharing with you links to free access for four of our online resources below.  Teachers and students can access these from any remote device.  Please do not hesitate to share as these resources are free to all.    


User Name: Learning20

Password: Clifford


BookFlix (PreK-3)


TrueFlix (Grades 3+)


ScienceFlix (Grades 5+)


Watch & Learn Library (Pre-K – 3)   


The website below provides all students with 20 days’ worth of learning journeys that span the content areas so you can keep your students actively engaged in learning while schools are closed. The Scholastic Learn At Home website does not require a username or password. The learning journeys are also accessible on any device.


Click on this link:

Hello Second Grade! :)

I'm just saying hello and trying out a new way to communicate with you while we are not in school. Fletcher wanted to make his first "big screen" debut, too. Take care, everyone!